President’s Messages

POA President’s Message – August 19, 2024

August 19, 2024

BTP Homeowners and Residents

Community News

A lot has gone on around Bell Tower Park over the last couple of weeks, so it’s time for another update.

New Community web site – For those of you that read the August Bell Tower Notes II released last Friday (and obviously many of you have), the new BTP web site is up, running and available to BTP owners. Access is achieved by simply signing up, as outlined in the article. However, access is not available if an owner doesn’t do so. The site has only begun, and its presentation and content will be enhanced a lot over the next few months.  The idea of having this new tool for community use began well over a year ago. However, the driving force behind this project was John Fuller. As we know John has been one of our most active community members over the last year and a half plus. This effort though, has been his finest achievement. With the help of a small number of Steering Committee members from within the Communications Committee – notably Linda Bye and Mark Lovelace – John has spearheaded and worked tirelessly to bring this project to fruition.  There was a BTP Community website in operation from 2012 until 2017, but it was discontinued. This new product will now provide a fresh, modern tool to keep our owners abreast of current activities within the Community as well as the area, plus host all-important BTP documents. Thanks again to John for all of his dedication and tenacity to make this web site happen.

New Community Manager – As most of you already know, Linda Nunez has returned to the Cardinal Corporate office in Naples. Linda re-created a new atmosphere and culture of customer service and friendliness during her short four-month stay here in our BTP office and we’ll miss her.

But in her place Brandi Wells is stepping in with the same attitude and approach. Brandi has spent the last two weeks working with and learning from Linda and will be a great addition to our community. Please stop by and say hi to her, if you haven’t already. Her door is always open.

However, also pertaining to our office staff, our Administrative Assistant Beta Bond has decided to move on to another career. She will be leaving us at the end of next week. Beta has brought a lot of energy to the position and has made some very significant contributions in her eight months at BTP. We wish her well with her new direction.

Landscape – First, John Woodward has stepped aside as the Chair of the Committee. John has made a huge impact on the planning and execution of the landscape initiatives that took place here since April. His plans and blueprint for future considerations will be a great tool in the continued efforts to make the appearance of our community better and better, and we thank him for his efforts.

The Committee will remain intact. Paul Niss, the POA Board liaison to the Committee, will serve as temporary Chair until such time as another person fills the position.  The Landscape Committee can always use new people with some fresh ideas. So please, should you have an interest in the appearance of BTP or have background in horticulture in general, and would consider serving (or have experience and would like to serve as Chair of the Committee) please contact Brandi in the office.

Greenscapes continues to work diligently to help improve the landscaping in Bell Tower Park.  56 – 15-gallon Clusia plants as well as three – 25-gallon Traveler Palm trees were planted along the South Wall. The Clusia were roughly 5 feet tall upon installation but will grow to 18 feet over the next three or so years and help fill in for the loss of the beautiful, large trees that were there, but destroyed by Hurricane Ian.

New plantings were also installed around the flagpole by the office.  Greenscapes also tried a new mowing schedule last week, mowing, trimming, etc. on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This is partially due to trash/recyclable pick up on Thursday. This was a trial to see how things work from a scheduling standpoint. They also completed their second week of the eight-week cycle of pruning and trimming of bushes, plants etc. last week.

In addition, they will be cutting back low hanging limbs that exist along the Boulevard as well as some other streets in the Community this coming week.

Also – Greenscapes will be applying weed killer throughout and sporadic inspect management spray on Tuesday the 21st (tomorrow)  Those walking their dogs please watch for the flags that will be distributed throughout the community and wait at least a couple of hours for the treatments to dry and, as they say, become “inert” or harmless.

Roofing project – You have probably noticed that the Guardhouse, the Tower at the US 41entrance and the building at the Avon Park pool were re-tiled last week. Work will begin on the Clubhouse/ Annex this week with the Cabana to follow. Plans have been made to move spare tiles for the possible use of the three sub-Association homes to their storage place in the woods at the southeast corner of the community. Still to be resolved is the disposal of the remaining old tiles left over in the front parking lot.  Regardless, the project should be completed around or shortly after Labor Day, as always, weather permitting.

Safety Committee – There was an unfortunate and unnecessary incident a couple of weeks ago, when a BTP resident verbally abused one of our Safety Committee volunteer members early in the morning. He was doing his duty checking for illegally parked vehicles at the time when this ugly confrontation occurred. At that point, it was decided to suspend Committee activities until the fall. Also, prior to that, long term committee Chair David Shaw stepped aside. Thankfully, Dan Hickey agreed to assume the Chairmanship.

So, the Committee and CAM will meet in late September to reorganize, streamline procedures to deal with offenders, and begin operations in time for the beginning of “season”.

This is a very important function within our community. The Safety Committee not only monitors illegal parking, vehicles left unattended, etc., but also brings us valuable outside speakers that deal with neighborhood safety, scammers and the like.

Should any community members be inclined to volunteer to be a part of this important team, or would like to learn more about it, please contact Brandi in the office.

Nature Preserves – We have three nature preserves within our boundaries. These preserves are the responsibility of Lee County. Neither we as an Association, nor our landscape company are allowed to enter them to clear out or work within their boundaries. We are allowed to remove tree branches, etc. that may protrude out onto our property, if necessary.

Our preserve on the northern perimeter contains a nature trail that stretches from the eastern boundary to the western boundary of the community. It has been pointed out to the office that the trail needs clearing and is very overgrown in some areas. Brandi is securing the correct agency to contact to have this trail cleared and passable. The company must be approved by the County.

Our community is pretty quiet in August. We have our summer rains,  heat and humidity. But tropical storm Debbie skirted the area and let’s hope that this trend continues until the end of October!

All the best for a great week ahead,

Ron Mc Ewan

Board President – Property Owner’s Association